- 面積︰513,120 平方公里
- 人口︰69,950,850人
- 首都︰曼谷
- 氣候︰熱帶季風氣候
- 時區︰UTC + 7 (比香港時間慢一小時)
- 常用語言︰泰語
- 常用貨幣︰泰銖(THB)
- 電力︰220V / 50Hz(雙扁腳插)
- 簽証要求︰香港特別行政區護照持有人:三十天免簽證停留
泰國國家公園、野生動物和植物保護局(DNP)將公園內11座島嶼編號,由南向北依序為1號島至11號島。11座島嶼分別為:1號島(胡永島,Koh Huyong)、2號島(巴央島,Koh Payang)、3號島(巴彥島,Koh Payan)、4號島(綿島,Koh Miang)、5號島(哈島,Koh Ha)、6號島(帕尤島,Koh Payu)、7號島(欣普薩島,Koh Hin Pousar)、8號島(西密蘭島,Koh Similan)、9號島(班古島,Koh Bangu)、10號島(邦島,Koh Bon)、11號島(塔柴島,Koh Tachai)。
The Similan Islands is an archipelago in the Andaman Sea off the coast of, and part of, Phang Nga Province in southern Thailand. It is the maritime border between India and Thailand.
The park is an archipelago consisting of 11 islands, For convenience, the Thai Department of National Parks (DNP) has assigned numbers to the islands. From north to south, they are: Island 11: Ko Tachai, Island 10: Ko Bon, also known as Ko Talu, Island 9: Ko Ba-ngu, also known as Ko Bayu, Island 8: Ko Similan, Island 7: Ko Hin Pousar, Island 6: Ko Payu, also known as Ko Pa Yu, Island 5: Ko Ha, Island 4: Ko Miang, also known as Ko Meang. Park HQ is here., Island 3: Ko Payan, also known as Ko Pa Yan, Island 2: Ko Payang, also known as Ko Pa Yang, Island 1: Ko Huyong, also known as Ko Hu Yong.
Characteristic marine species in the waters of the Similan Islands include manta rays, whale sharks, gray three-tooth sharks, blacktip sharks, leopard sharks, blue-spotted stingrays, snowflake eagle rays, round plowshares, shovelhead plowshares, Hawksbill, olive sea turtle, leatherback turtle, green sea turtle, Javan eel, fine-spotted eel, dense-spotted eel, large scale fish, bumphead parrotfish, black-bodied tube-nosed eel, rare trevally, songbird Lip fish etc.
斯米蘭群島熱門潛點 | ||
Koh Bon Ridge | Koh Bon Ridge is the dive site that stretches around the cape on the western corner of Koh Bon Island, which is not part of the Similan Archipelago although part of the same National Park administration. The stepping rocky ridge that can be seen out of the water continues all the way underwater, giving the name to the dive site. The underwater scenery at Koh Bon Ridge is absolutely unique, with an incredible amount and diversity of marine life. Koh Bon is also the hot spot for Mantas in Thailand! We usually start our dive near the bay at the south side of the ridge. Here the scenery is characterized by a straight wall that at 10-12 meters of depth changes into a sloping hard coral garden, the corals here are in pristine conditions. The area is teeming with thousands of reef fish including species that are not commonly found in other Thailand dive sites. Keep an eye towards the deep side as White Tips and Guitar Sharks are sometimes spotted there. | Koh Bon Ridge 是在 Koh Bon 島西邊的海角周圍延伸的潛水點,該島不屬於斯米蘭群島,但屬於同一國家公園管理部門。 從水里可以看到的階梯狀岩石山脊一直延伸到水下,潛水點因此得名。 Koh Bon Ridge 的水下風光絕對是獨一無二的,擁有令人難以置信的數量和多樣性的海洋生物。 Koh Bon也是泰國的一個魔鬼魚出沒熱點! 我們通常在山脊南側的海灣附近開始潛水。 這里風景的特點是直壁,在 10-12 米深處變成傾斜的硬珊瑚花園,這裡的珊瑚處於原始狀態。 該地區充滿了數以千計的珊瑚魚,其中包括在泰國其他潛水地點不常見的物種。 留意深水面,因為有時會在那裡發現白鰭鯊和吉他鯊。 |
Koh Tachai Pinnacle | This group of submerged boulders is, on most days, crossed by very particular (often strong) currents that attract an incredible amount of predatory fish in schools. With a bit of luck, especially between January and May, Mantas and Whalesharks can also be encountered here! Koh Tachai Pinnacle is made by a submerged group of gigantic granite boulders that remind of the Similan Islands dive sites. The summit is at around 10 meters of depth and has a mooring line/buoy to assist divers in their descent. There are actually two pinnacles, the main pinnacle in the south is bigger and is the area where most dives at Koh Tachai Pinnacle take place. It is made by a huge dome-shape boulder surrounded by many other smaller ones. The scenery on the pinnacle is very diverse, as the southern side is characterized by large and oddly shaped boulders that create a stunning underwater scenery, while on the north side lays one of the most beautiful and pristine coral gardens in Thailand. | 在大多數日子裡,這組淹沒的巨石被非常特殊且強大的海流穿過,這些水流吸引了數量驚人的掠食性魚類。 運氣好的話,尤其是在 1 月和 5 月之間,還可以在這裡遇到蝠鱝和鯨鯊! Koh Tachai Pinnacle 由淹沒在水中的巨大花崗岩巨石組成,讓人想起斯米蘭群島的潛水地點。 山頂的深度約為 10 米,並設有繫泊繩/浮標,可幫助潛水員下潛。 實際上有兩個尖峰,南部的主要尖峰更大,是 Koh Tachai Pinnacle 的大多數潛水地點。 它由一個巨大的圓頂狀巨石構成,周圍環繞著許多其他較小的巨石。 頂峰的景色非常多樣,南側的特點是巨大而奇形怪狀的巨石,營造出令人驚嘆的水下風光,而北側則是泰國最美麗、最原始的珊瑚花園之一。 |
Richelieu Rock | Richelieu Rock is a massive underwater rock formation that holds an important diversity of marine life, from small seahorses to giant whale sharks. You will almost certainly find big schools of trevally and barracuda and other schooling fish such as snappers and fusiliers. The very top of the rock is just visible at low tide, but submerged at high tide. Below the surface, Richelieu Rock is approximately horseshoe shaped, consisting of several groups of rocks, pinnacles, overhangs, and small caves. It drops most steeply on the north and west sides, while the south side slopes more gently on the "inside" of the horseshoe. The maximum depth is about 35 meters, but it can be dived mostly at 20–28 meters. | 黎塞留岩是一個巨大的水下岩層,擁有從小型海馬到巨型鯨鯊的各種重要海洋生物。 您幾乎肯定會發現成群結隊的鰺魚和梭魚,以及鯛魚和炮彈魚等其他群居魚類。 岩石的頂部在退潮時剛好可見,但在漲潮時被淹沒。 在地表以下,黎塞留岩呈近似馬蹄形,由幾組岩石、尖峰、懸崖和小洞穴組成。 它在北側和西側下降最陡,而南側在馬蹄鐵的“內部”傾斜得更平緩。 最大深度約35米,但大多在20-28米可下潛。 |
Surin Islands | The two main islands are Ko Surin Nuea (North Island) and Surin Dtai (South Island) is about the same size and form, separated by a very flat, extended channel, which is only about one meter deep at low tide. As the tides wash fresh seawater between the two islands every day, reefs have recovered rapidly after coral bleaching in 2010. Now they offer excellent diving and snorkeling conditions again. In particular, the hard corals have bloomed in recent years and are home to countless animal species.Here are some of Thailand's most untouched and extensive reefs and corals. Here you will find turtles and fish species that aren’t found in the Similans or elsewhere. Some of the fish species are the Bumphead Parrotfish, the Napoleon Wrasse, the Yellow Masked Angelfish, the Barramundi Cod, and the Tomato Anemonefish.Underwater, there is a great variety of creatures, such as Pickhandle Barracuda, Cardinalfish, Five-line Snappers, Twin Spot, Large Humpback Bream, Blue Spotted Pinefish, Mantis Crabs, White Tip Reef Sharks, Ghosted Pipefish of all kinds, Manta Rays, and Whale Sharks, just to name a very small selection. | 兩個主要島嶼是 Ko Surin Nuea(北島)和 Surin Dtai(南島),大小和形狀大致相同,由一條非常平坦、延伸的海峽隔開,退潮時海峽的深度只有一米左右。 由於潮汐每天沖刷兩島之間的淡水,珊瑚礁在 2010 年珊瑚白化後迅速恢復,現在再次提供極佳的潛水和浮潛條件。 尤其是硬珊瑚,近年來繁盛,是無數動物物種的家園。這裡有一些泰國最原始、面積最大的珊瑚礁和珊瑚。 在這裡,您會發現斯米蘭群島或其他地方所沒有的海龜和魚類。 一些魚類有隆頭鸚嘴魚、拿破崙瀨魚、黃蒙面神仙魚、澳洲肺魚和番茄海葵魚。水下有各種各樣的生物,如梭魚、紅雀魚、五線鯛魚、 雙斑、大座頭鯛、藍斑松魚、螳螂蟹、白尖礁鯊、各種幽靈尖嘴魚、蝠鱝和鯨鯊。 |