
潛點介紹︰菲律賓 – 圖巴塔哈

  • 菲律賓共和國﹐通稱菲律賓,是位於東南亞的一個群島國家。其地理位置處於西太平洋,北隔呂宋海峽與臺灣相望,雙方群島最近的距離為99公里,南隔西里伯斯海與印度尼西亞相望,西隔南海與越南相望,東邊則為菲律賓海﹐造就了豐富的自然資源與生物多樣性。


  • 面積︰299,764平方公里
  • 人口︰113,170,065人
  • 首都︰馬尼拉
  • 氣候︰菲律賓北部屬海洋性熱帶季風氣候,南部屬熱帶雨林氣候,全國各地普遍炎熱、潮濕。
  • 時區︰UTC + 8 (與香港時間相同)
  • 常用語言︰菲律賓語,英語
  • 常用貨幣︰菲律賓披索(PHP)
  • 電力︰220V / 50 Hz(兩腳扁型)
  • 簽証要求︰香港特別行政區護照持有人:14天免簽證停留

圖巴塔哈群礁(Tubbataha Reef)是坐落於菲律賓蘇祿海的一處珊瑚環礁。菲律賓設置了圖巴塔哈群礁國家海洋公園作為海洋保護區。1993年,圖巴塔哈群礁入選聯合國教科文組織的世界遺產名列﹐在世界自然新七大奇蹟的競選中,圖巴塔哈群礁也曾被提名。


Black RockLocated at the northeast corner of Tubbataha’s South Atoll, the Black Rock plateau slopes gently from 15 to 25 m in depth. Whitetip sharks can often be seen sleeping on the seabed or cruising in search of prey with a bluefin trevally in tandem.

This dive is also known for sightings of 2 titan triggerfish which can often be found at the start of the dive.
Delsan WreckNamed for the remains of a small ship which sank at the southeastern edge of South Atoll, this dive is known for sightings of big fish.

When the current is running, grey reef sharks are often found hunting schools of fish feeding within ‘The Cut’—a 30m meter deep by 20m wide crevasse in the coral. Recent sightings have even included a tiger shark.
Malayan WallAdventurous divers looking for a glimpse of schooling hammerhead sharks in the deep blue choose to take the plunge at Tubbataha’s Malayan Wall.

Named after the wreck of the Malayan (a small shipwreck at the beginning of the dive), divers swim out into the open Sulu Sea as far as they can without getting disoriented, searching the deep blue water for large sharks and other pelagic species.
Shark AirportKnown as one of Tubbataha’s most fertile dive sites, the Shark Airport is made up of a wide plateau at 15 m dropping off to a shelf at 25 m.

Endangered hawksbill and green sea turtles can often be found searching the sunny shallows in search of corals to munch on while whitetip sharks cruise the sloping dropoff.

The Shark Airport is also a popular spot for night dives since it is relatively shallow and offers the chance to see fimbriated moray eels, blackspotted pufferfish, and giant star pufferfish.
Wall StreetOne of the most popular coral reef wall dives within the Tubbataha park, ‘Wall Street’ is a sheer wall dive plunging deep into the blue of the Sulu Sea. Notable sightings at the ‘Wall Street’ dive include Napoleon Wrasse, and blacksaddle coral grouper. Lucky divers have even spotted a whale shark here.
Washing MachineNamed for the unpredictable currents which sometimes change direction in the middle of a dive, the Washing Machine is located at the exposed northeastern edge of Tubbataha.

Known for having some of the best visibility of any dive site within the Marine Park, this dive site is home to grey reef sharks and an amazing diversity of tropical coral reef fish.

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