
潛點介紹︰馬來西亞 – Mataking Island

  • 馬來西亞,簡稱大馬,是一個位於東南亞的多元種族國家。被南海分為東西兩大部分。馬來西亞的地理位置接近赤道,其氣候於亞洲熱帶型雨林氣候。


  • 面積︰330,345 平方公里
  • 人口︰33,871,431人
  • 首都︰吉隆坡
  • 氣候︰亞洲熱帶型雨林氣候
  • 時區︰UTC + 8 (與香港時間相同)
  • 常用語言︰馬來語,英語
  • 常用貨幣︰馬來西亞令吉(RM)
  • 電力︰230V / 50Hz(英規三腳扁型)
  • 簽証要求︰香港特別行政區護照持有人:一個月免簽證停留

馬達京島周邊的潛點擁有遠離城市喧囂的特別優勢,在新奇和美麗方面真正無與倫比。探索馬達京島周圍晶瑩剔透的有如綠松石的海洋享受激動人心的水下探索旅程。 整裝待發,探索島上 30 多個潛水地點; 包括附近的 Pandanan、Timba-Timba、Bohayan、Kalapuan、Baturua 和 Mantabuan 群島,以及 Bohey Dulang 的 Tun Sakaran Marina Park。

各種各樣的海洋動物、生機勃勃的珊瑚礁和美麗的魚類豐富了馬達京島周圍的海洋生物。 準備好遇到一些罕見的事情; 從迷人的蝦類、侏儒海馬、巨大的梭魚、帶狀鰻魚,到偶爾可以發現的“猩猩”螃蟹,它們靜靜地潛伏在深海中。

With strategic location away from the bustle of city vibe, Mataking’s surrounding dive sites are truly matchless in novelty and beauty.The surrounding crystal clear turquoise Ocean of Mataking offers a chance for sensational underwater exploration. Gear up and explore 30+ dive sites around the isle; including the nearby Pandanan, Timba-Timba, Bohayan, Kalapuan, Baturua, and Mantabuan islands, as well as Tun Sakaran Marina Park of Bohey Dulang.


Various sea animals, vibrant reefs, and gorgeous fishes enriched the rugger natural marine life beneath Mataking’s surrounding Ocean. Prepare to encounter some rarity; from charming species of shrimps, pygmy seahorses, enormous barracuda, ribbon eel, to ‘Orang Utan’ crab which can be occasionally spotted lurking calmly around the depth.

D'WALLLocated behind Mataking Kecil (the small island), this is a vertical wall dive which can sometimes sport some very strong currents.

At 37m there is a 'cleaning Station' that attracts many large pelagics including grey reef sharks, eagle rays and if lucky even hammerheads and manta rays have been seen here!

As you get into shallow water then huge green turtles (the largest in the area!) are commonly seen together with coral cat sharks and beautiful ribbon eels.
CORAL GARDENA nice dive to do in the afternoon! This is a vertical wall dive with moderate current.

Here within the first 18m offers some very beautiful pristine coral - it's truly breathtaking!

Don't just keep your eyes on the coral though as larger rays sometimes swim past divers here in the blue!
THE HOUSE REEThis dive site can be dived from the shore.

The wall slopes down to around 50m after which there is a large sandy plateau.

In the shallows octopus, lionfish and stone fish are almost always seen. Under the jetty a very large school of jackfish can be seen.

There is also a giant barracuda that lives here and some huge moray eels too!
THE SHIPWRECKHere the resort at Mataking has sunk a fishing boat which attracts a lot of fish including jackfish, moray eels, frogfish and lion fish!

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