
馬爾代夫潛水 * Horizon 3 * 八日七夜 . 自由行出發

客房 / Cabin價錢 / Price
Standard Twin / Double Cabins$21,649
Standard Twin Cabins$21,649
Standard Double Cabins$21,649
Standard Cabin Main Deck$21,649
Deluxe Cabins$26,594
Master Deluxe Cabin$26,594

Horizon 3

  • Horizon 3號船宿遊船長36米,內置12間,可容納25位客人,舒適宜居,讓您賓至如歸。



  • 社交區包括室內休息室,帶娛樂區和棋盤遊戲的用餐和酒吧區,功能設備一應俱全,讓您舒心適意,盡享悅然。


  • 客人可以在室內用餐區或戶外用餐區享用美食,伴著海風習習,欣賞壯闊綺麗的海上美景,休憩放鬆。船宿遊船提供各種新鮮烹製的食物,並可在提前通知的情況下滿足特殊飲食要求,所有菜餚一律新鮮烹製,保證您唇齒留香,回味無窮。


  • 您可以來到日光甲板上,躺在躺椅或床墊上,抑或是來到熱水浴池裡休憩放鬆,盡享安然,或是來到私人按摩室享受放鬆按摩。


  • 客人可以放心存放自己的貴重設備,整艘船上都安裝了安全攝像頭,確保您的財產安全。


  • Horizon 3號遊艇的潛水船是一艘18米長的多尼船,內配3名船員,內置相機沖洗和安裝站,取得認證的人員可以使用專用的高氧設備。多尼船空間廣闊,可容納30多名潛水員,空間充裕,供您存放自己的潛水設備。

  • The 36m Horizon 3 liveaboard caters to 25 guests in 12 en-suite cabins.

    Cabins are tastefully decorated with ample storage space, AC and either twin or double beds. Guests have the choice of the Standard Cabin, Deluxe or Master Deluxe.


  • Social areas include the indoor lounge, dining and bar area with an entertainment area and board games. Meals are taken either in the indoor dining area or outdoor dining space with stunning panoramic views. A wide variety of food is freshly prepared and special dietary requests can be catered to with advance notice.


  • For relaxation, guests can choose the sun deck with loungers, mattresses and hot tub, or can unwind with a therapeutic massage from the onboard masseuse.


  • Guests can feel comfortable leaving their high-tech equipment onboard, as security cameras are stationed throughout the vessel for utmost security.


  • Diving with the Horizon 3 yacht takes place from the dedicated 18m support dhoni, with 3 crew, camera rinse & set-up stations, dive kitting up area and nitrox available for those certified. The dhoni is large enough to support more than 30 divers, leaving ample space for everyone to get kitted up and for gear storage.

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第一天︰ 韋拉納國際機場集合﹐專人接送往登船﹐船上簡報﹐晚餐。(視乎到達時間進行潛水檢查)
Day 1︰Pickup at MLE airport and bring you to the boat for boarding, general boat briefing, Dinner. (Depending on arrival check dive will be done.)


第二天︰於Bathala Maa gau, Fish head, Maya thilaa進行四次潛水, 包全日膳食
Day 2︰4th Dive at Bathala Maa gau, Fish head, Maya thilaa, Full board meal


第三至五天︰於North Arir到South Ari進行每日兩到三次潛水﹐包全日膳食
Day 3-5︰2-3 dives per day, Dive from North Ari to South Ari, Full board meal


第六天︰4-6小時船程穿過Cross Ari atoll到達Vaavu, 於Alimatha進行夜潛, 包全日膳食
Day 6︰Cross Ari atoll to Vaavu about 4 – 6 hours. Night dive at Alimatha with shark and rays, Full board meal


第七天︰於Miyaru kadhu進行潛水
Day 7︰Dive Miyaru kadhu


Day 8︰Male city tour, transfer to airport flight back to Hong Kong.



Price included︰

Round trip transfer from Male airport to the vessel

七晚Horizon 3 住宿為二人一房間
7 nights accommodation on twin room sharing

Total 16 dives with tank, weight and weight belt and dive guide

Full board meals while onborad

12% 馬爾代夫政府稅項
Maldives Government Tax 12%

0.15% 旅遊業監管局印花稅
0.15% TIA Levy


Price excluded︰

Air ticket, flight fuel surcharge, other travel tax, passort and visa fee.

Marine Fee (If applicable)

潛水長及船員小費, 觀光導遊之小費
Tipping for dive guide.

Nitrox Fill

Travel Insurance.

Personal dive gear.

Soft drink and Alcohol

Sugguest flight schedule︰


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